The Zone: Training Your Dog Where to Poop in Your Yard

We've had a few clients ask us if we know how to train their dog to poop in a specifically designated area in their yard.  These are folks who have a large yard and want to reduce the cost of having a pooper scooper walk the entire property or folks who simply want to know where that poop is going to be!  So we thought we'd start finding some answers for them.  

Enter Nancy Schumacher, founder of Best in Behavior and CPDT-KA Certified Dog Trainer.  She uses a positive reward-based approach to dog training and was kind enough to give us some advice on this topic.  And as she notes: summer is the best time to start this kind of poop training!  Read on for her expert advice ...

"Training your dog to take care of their ‘business’ in a specific area of your yard is easier then it sounds. It takes patience and consistency but young puppies and older dogs can be trained to go in a dedicated zone. The area does not need to have any special surface but should be a defined area. An easy way to do this is to cover a small area with mulch or to stake out an area.

If you are working with a young puppy, start first thing in the day by taking your dog out of it’s crate on a leash and quickly walking outside to the area. Do not slow down or stop as it will be easy for the pup to have an accident. Run to the zone and keep the dog on leash. When you get to the area stand still and let the pup have the length of the leash. By running to the spot you have shaken up the dogs bladder and he will most likely go immediately. When he does go give him enthusiastic praise and a treat.

This is an image of a young boy rewarding his dog with a treat for using "the zone" properly.  The image illustrates how to train your dog to poop in one particular area of your yard.

The treats will be used every time for the first few days and then weaning off to a random treat now and then.  Leave any waste in the area so the smell will trigger the pup next time he is in that area. Puppies should not be allowed off leash in the yard during this training unless they have taken care of #1 and #2.  As a new pup owner you will be focused on when the dog has to go. Every time you are taking him out he goes on leash to the zone. If you catch him about to go in a different area when playing, interrupt him and bring him over to the zone. He should equate going in the zone with lots of good things; praise from you, treats and then being allowed off leash.

Older dogs need to learn that going in the Zone makes good things happen as well.  When you are training an older dog who up until now has had freedom to go wherever in the yard it is very important to establish a new routine. When the dog needs to go out, you need to put on the leash and bring him to the area. It is important that all family members are on board with this. If some people are leashing the dog and bringing him to the zone and some are not the dog will go with what he is used to which is going anywhere.  When he goes in zone be sure to make a big fuss with lots of verbal praise and a treat. Most dogs are highly motivated by food treats and will be happy to comply with going in the zone for a tasty treat.

With consistency and positive reinforcement you can train your dog to take care of business in the area you choose. Summer is a great time to start this training as the weather is warm and the days are long."

Many thanks to Nancy for taking the time and care to be our guest blogger on this topic!  If you have any questions for Nancy she can be reached via her website:

Gate Watchers: We Do More Than Scoop Poop!

Welcome to the first installment of "We Do More Than Scoop Poop!"  There are many reasons why it's good to have a conscientious pooper scooper come to your property on a regular basis.  We often spot things that you might miss (besides the poop, of course.)  And because our job is to pay close attention and search meticulously, we also see things that other lawn care workers like landscapers might simply not notice.  

This is an image of a broken gate latch.  If your pooper scooper sees something like this while cleaning your yard, we will make sure it is secured properly before leaving.  We will notify you immediately.

We use a lot of gates and latches in a work day.  From a simple rusted out latch to a gate knocked off its hinges to boards coming loose in a fence ... we've seen it all.  But we realize that there is a very good chance you haven't seen it.  You may regularly enter and exit your yard from a side gate rather than the house but we don't like to make assumptions.  

So if we see a problem with your gate we report it immediately.  Your scooper will ring your bell and/or we'll give you a call.  But no matter what: we will not leave your property if your gate is not secured properly.  Even if that means rigging something temporary ourselves.  

All of this just comes with the service.  Because we care about your dogs and want to make sure they're safe as well as enjoying a poop-free yard!

A Parasite Called Giardia and Your Dog's Poop

Giardia are protozoa that prey on the small intestines of animals including young puppies and older dogs.  They are transmitted when your dog comes into contact (direct or indirect) with infected feces.  This most often happens by drinking compromised water but can also happen by grooming after contact with feces that contain Giardia cysts.  The best ways you can protect your dog from this parasite are to provide him with safe drinking water and to keep him away from the feces of unknown dogs in dog parks and other public places.  

This is an image of a parasite called Giardia that prey on dogs' intestines.  Symptoms of infection can be found in dog poop and spotted by a dog waste removal company like Big Business Scoopers.  We will bag a fecal sample for dog owners …

The resulting infection of contact with Giardia is called giardiasis and is often asymptomatic.  But when it does show, it can cause diarrhea and sometimes weight loss.  An infected dog's feces may be lighter in color, have an abnormally funky odor and look somewhat greasy.  We'll watch out for that for you and alert you as soon as we discover any warning signs.  And we will also be happy to bag a fecal sample for you to take to your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment options.

For more information on Giardia we suggest visiting Pet Education's thorough article on the subject.  And as we learn more we'll be sure to continue sharing!

4 Favorite Puns about Working as a Pooper Scooper

When you work as a Pooper Scooper you are inevitably bound to have some interesting conversations with people you just meet.  "Scooping dog poop on the regular" isn't exactly an answer most people might expect to hear when they inquire about how you make a living.  But before we scoopers can explain that not only do we actually do this but we also enjoy it immensely, we have to get over that awkward hurdle of just establishing it as a fact.  Yes, we pick up dog waste.  

What better way to overcome anything than to make awkward puns??  Right?  Right???  So, without further adoo, our top 4 FAVORITE (among maaaany) Pooper Scooper Puns:


"What line of work are you in?"

"The line of doody ..."


"How was work today?"

"Crappy ... literally ..."


"What do you do?"

"I'm a pooper scooper."


"Yeah, no shit ..."


"How's the business doing?"

"It's picking up ..."

Image: Small puppy shaking his head with the caption "Really?" ... This in response to some ridiculous puns about dog waste removal professionals.

5 Qualities of Dog Poop that We Regularly Check

So you've hired Big Business Scoopers to clean your yard of all your dog's poop.  What a relief!  Now you never have to look at or smell that stuff again!!  (Well, that is except for those rare occasions when bad Fido decides your living room rug looks like a great toilet.)  But did you know that we do more than just clean the poop?  We check it for signs of poor health as well.

If he or she hasn't already, your veterinarian may ask questions about the quality of your dog's waste.  Professional pet health providers look for five main qualities in your dog's stool: Color, Shape, Consistency, Size, and Content.  Because your dog's poop can speak volumes about your dog's health you want it to be the BEST POOP EVER.

This is a dog poop cartoon saying, "I wouldn't be here without my friends, family, and whatever that dog ate."  It is smiling next to a golden trophy that reads, "Best Poop Ever."  Courtesy of

We at Big Business Scoopers care very much about your dog and your dog's health.  We keep these five poop health qualities in mind as we clean your yard.  After all, we're often the only ones who see your dog's poop on a regular basis!  If we notice anything out of the ordinary we make sure to notify you immediately so that you can look out for other indications of a health problem and know when to notify your vet.  

No, we won't call you every time we see a slightly soft deposit.  (Everyone has a bad day once in a while!)  But if we do notice a pattern or something particularly worrisome then we won't hesitate to let you know.  And if you ever need a stool sample to bring to the pet clinic, just let us know.  We'll be happy to bag a sample for you.  

Here's to healthy dogs and healthy dog poop!

Our Very First Blog Post!

Big Business Scoopers has been an active Pooper Scooper service in the Pet Care Industry for 13 years now.  (Where does the time go?)  And a few weeks back we launched our second website.  We couldn't be more excited!  Squarespace offers incredible features and flexibility that we hope will help us continue effectively serving dog owners in New Jersey.

With this second site we are introducing the world to our new dog poop mascot: Felicity the defecating Frenchie.  Yes, she doubles as a mild tongue twister.  But no, she could never replace our famed doggie doo doo logo, which needs no name.

Felicity the defecating Frenchie, a French bulldog pooping in a grass field.

Does your dog give you Felicity's indifferent stare as he or she poops all over your property?  But you don't feel indifferent about having to pick up all that waste?  It might be time to call us to come to your rescue :)